C (166/301)

From:Gabriele Svelto
Date:27 Aug 99 at 14:06:35
Subject:Re: ExecBase & 'RESET:starting PC' exception

From: Gabriele Svelto <jlpicard@tiscalinet.it>

Hello Ben

On 26-Ago-99, you wrote:

> From: Ben Hutchings <womble@zzumbouk.d
> (...)
>> contained the pointer to the 'RESET: starting PC' exception.
> That's not actually an exception.

What is it then? (The tutorial which said that it was an exception is
dev/asm/AmigaAsm.lha from Aminet) After reading all the answers I realise
I've misunderstood everything...

> Exceptions are an alternative way of returning from a function
> (...)
> object if one of its member functions terminates due to an exception.

This looks veeery interesting, I think I could skip a lot of if()s which
burden my code this way, where can I find some docs about it?